Original engravings plates of musical instruments taken from the encyclopedia Diderot and d’Alembert, 18th century.
Gravures d’instruments de musique tirées de l’encyclopédie Diderot et d’Alembert, 18ème siècle. Quatre doubles pages dimensions: 45,6 cm / 30,4 cm. Sept pages simples dimensions: 30,4 cm / 23,2 cm. Manques, usures, taches.
Informations et prix sur demande
Original engravings plates of musical instruments taken from the encyclopedia Diderot and d’Alembert, 18th century. Four double pages dimensions: 45.6 cm / 30.4 cm. Seven single pages dimensions: 30.4 cm / 23.2 cm. Missing, wear, stains.
Informations and price on request